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Pete Tosh is the Founder of The Focus Group, a management consulting and training firm that assists organizations in sustaining profitable growth through four core disciplines:
The Focus Group has provided these consulting & training services to manufacturing & service organizations across the U.S., Canada, Europe & the Middle East. Prior to founding The Focus Group 25 years ago, Pete had 15 years of corporate leadership experience including serving as the V.P. of Human Resources & Quality
Pete frequently facilitates a variety of leadership development programs. Employees from over 3,500 organizations have benefited from Pete’s experience and perspective. Pete is also co-author of Leading Your Organization to the Next Level: The Core Disciplines of Sustained Profitable Growth.
Human Resource Departments have traditionally been concerned with the processing of transactions and administrative functions – often with little or no objective data to provide them feedback on: The effectiveness of their HR processes or the contribution t ...
A business strategy is the course of action which assists your workforce in achieving specific business objectives. It is the plan leadership implements to secure a competitive position in its market. A people strategy serves as a lever through which organizat ...
Leaders need to be continually aware of the following critical communication axioms: It is impossible to not communicate Messages include content & the relationship between the people communicating Nonverbals most often communicate the message The skill ...
Businesses today are striving to generate greater productivity, quality, customer satisfaction and profitability with fewer employees. Employee Engagement is a proven method for doing just that. Engaged employees: Expend discretionary effort by doing more ...
Every employee Is a unique individual. Each employee brings his/her life experiences that have shaped who they are. So, what they do always makes sense to them – or they would not do it. Then organizations put these individuals in a ‘team’ with employees whos ...
Clever toxic employees: Utilize their technical expertise to intimidate & manipulate Know who to flatter & who they can abuse Turn their toxicity on & off depending on the impression they want to make Unfortunately, organizations can work against thems ...
Interpersonal conflict occurs daily when: We perceive that someone is impeding on or threatening our needs or goals Two or more persons seek to possess the same object, resource, position People maintain incompatible goals, values, or motives Conflicts ...
Leaders can be trained to lead strategically by developing and following a Strategic Frame of Reference which involves: Drafting their team's current Mission - including their primary customer and the key products, services, and value they provide to that c ...
The role of the HR business partner is more important than ever, now that there are more demands on HR to add value. And more leaders are realizing that by making better use of their employees, they can better achieve the profitability goals of the business. ...
Human Resource Departments have traditionally been concerned with the processing of transactions and administrative functions - often with little or no objective data to provide them feedback on: The effectiveness of their HR processes Or the contribution ...