Cultivating Employee Accountability in the Workplace: A Webinar for Managers, Supervisors and Those Who Aspire to Be One

  • 8
  • November 2024
  • 10:30 AM PST | 01:30 PM EST

    Duration:  60  Mins


Basic & Advanced

Webinar ID


  • Three critical aspects of expectations.
  • Strategies for establishing a culture of accountability on your team.
  • How to minimize whining, excuse-making, and other disagreeable responses.
  • Can’t Do vs Won’t Do” - Applying the “Million Dollar Litmus Test”
  • Rules for giving effective feedback
  • Conversational Roadmap for conducting accountability discussions.

Overview of the webinar

A recent HRDive study of managers found that “82% of respondents admitted that they have “limited to no” ability to hold others accountable successfully.

On the other hand, 91% of respondents said they would rank ‘improving the ability to hold others accountable in an effective way’ as one of the top leadership development needs of their organization.”

Larry approaches the issue of accountability from three perspectives:

  • Creating a POSITIVE environment where everyone WANTS to do their very best. This means being the kind of manager/leader for whom people WANT to perform. Larry will share tips on how to be that kind of manager.
  • Clarifying expectations so everyone knows what represents success. Research has shown that when managers complain about employees not behaving accountably, a major cause can often be traced to the failure to adequately communicate expectations around accountability. When people have a different perception than you as to what is expected, their outcomes will very likely disappoint you.
  • Applying the rules of operant conditioning to ensure that accountable behavior is rewarded and non-accountable behavior is discouraged.
  • Using the principles of Graduated Empowerment so those delegated to will choose to demonstrate individual initiative to resolve problems and achieve goals.
  • Correcting those who insist on not taking responsibility. Larry will share his Conversational Roadmap to help managers turn this trend around.

By the end of this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Apply three techniques for instilling a sense of job ownership in employees.
  • Use a formula for determining if an employee’s non-performance is a “can’t do” or a “won’t do” problem
  • Implement five strategies for changing the culture to be more accountable.
  • How to use public accountability in a positive way.
  • Apply an approach to giving feedback that changes behavior and gets results.
  • Keep employees from shifting their work back onto you.
  • Be aware of a key indicator that tells you when to let an employee go.

Who should attend?

  • Anyone who works with anyone they consider difficult

Why should you attend?

  • “It’s not my fault.”
  • “It’s not my job.”
  • “I didn’t know I was supposed to do that.”
  • “The shipment was delayed.”
  • “The printer ran out of ink.”

Excuses. We’ve heard them all.

  • Do some of your employees see what needs to be done and take responsibility to do it while others either don’t see it or do see it and choose not to act?
  • Do some of your employees accept blame for their mistakes while others always try to blame others?
  • Do some employees learn from their mistakes and improve, while others seem to never learn?
  • Do some employees seem to be grateful for having the opportunity to work for you while others act like it’s an entitlement?
  • Do you sometimes feel more like the parent of petulant children than the manager of responsible adults?
  • Would you like your employees to accept responsibility for improving things and stop whining about what can’t be changed?

In this webinar, Larry Johnson offers you practical strategies to raise the odds everyone on your team behaves responsibly every time with no excuses. It includes creating a culture that nourishes and rewards personal accountability on everyone’s part.

Faculty - Mr.Larry Johnson

Larry Johnson is the co-author of two top-selling books: Absolute Honesty: Building A Corporate Culture That Values Straight Talk And Rewards Integrity. He’s also written for Huffington Post and has been quoted in the Wall Street Journal and the Harvard Business Review. Larry has written more than 200 published articles on the topic of improving organizational culture.

Larry has delivered more than 2000 presentations for association conferences, corporations and government organizations including:

• SGMP (Society of Government Meeting Planners)

• SHRM (Society of Human Resource Management)

• Southwest Airlines

• Harley-Davidson

• Training Magazine National Conference & Expo

He has also presented more than 300 webinars for various clients


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