Priority Power: How HR Professionals Can Plan and Execute Tasks Efficiently

  • 25
  • September 2024
  • 10:00 AM PDT | 01:00 PM EDT

    Duration:  60  Mins



Webinar ID


Microsoft Outlook technology offers you a winning execution strategy when you combine prioritizing and productivity features from the Inbox, the Calendar, and the To-Do Bar.

You will learn how to:

  • Plan and prioritize in the Tasks Folder
  • Pace your work with the Calendar
  • Customize column headings in all folders
  • Keep track of meetings and appointments
  • Get back on track when interrupted
  • “Stack” personal appointments
  • Know what to do next when you finish your number one task
  • Keep track of deadlines
  • Closeout every day and be ready to tackle your list every morning
  • Mesh your personal and professional calendars
  • Plan in advanced dialog boxes

In addition, you’ll learn how to: 

  • Choose preferences for the Quick Access Tool bar
  • Distinguish between the To-Do List, the To-Do Bar and Tasks
  • Implement Categories to organize information and push productivity
  • Remove the compact view and customize column headings 
  • Plan and set goals in the Task folder
  • Become proficient at using the Rules Wizard and Quick Steps
  • Use Quick Parts

Internalize and implement the instruction in this webinar and you’ll be recognized as an HR professional that delivers what you promise. You’ll move up the ladder and have a seat at the table. 

Overview of the webinar

If you are a Human Resources Professional, you have had days when you were busy all day with little to show for it. Leave that frustration behind with this webinar that literally “sharpens your axe.” 

Abe Lincoln said that if he had six hours to cut down a tree, he would spend four hours sharpening his axe. 

This webinar sharpens your thought process as it shows you features, and the time management benefits of those features. 

Expert execution begins with a winning planning and prioritizing strategy. Add the Inbox, Calendar, and Tasks planning and execution features Microsoft Outlook offers and you will be unstoppable. 

Topics covered in this webinar include:

  • Tried and true planning and prioritizing principles from a time management viewpoint
  • Outlook features that make prioritizing a breeze
  • How to use the Calendar as a planning tool for your daily workflow, enabling you to work “in the Zone”
  • Planning forward to stop procrastination and stay on top of the daily chaos
  • Never fail daily execution tips for the greatest productivity

Who should attend?

This webinar benefits anyone who is serious about getting the most out of the technology of Microsoft Outlook including these teams: 

  • Office Managers and their Assistants
  • Finance and Accounting Teams
  • Human Resource Professionals
  • Managers at all levels of the organization
  • Training & Development Teams
  • Information Technology Teams
  • Project Managers
  • Project Teams

Why should you attend?

As an HR professional, do you face daily dilemmas trying to figure out where to start on your task list? 

Task lists can be overwhelming with a great range of items to complete. Some can wait but others are urgent and demand immediate attention. When you have 5 or 6 urgent requests at one time, the choice of which one to work on first can be agonizing. 

The principles taught in this program solve the puzzle for you. You will learn tried and true prioritizing and when added to the amazing productivity features of Microsoft Outlook, you will become an expert at prioritizing the most important task to start on every morning.

Following the tried-and-true principles and the Outlook pointers in this program, you’ll be able to mesh time management principles with the features of Microsoft Outlook and avoid daily chaos, including the racing heartbeat or fluttery stomach fearing you won’t be able to get all of your work completed in the eight hours you spend at work. 

After this instruction, you’ll make better decisions as you scan through the emails, make note of meetings and appointments on the calendar, and evaluate tasks in the Tasks folder. You’ll be capable of adeptly attacking the most urgent tasks, giving you a feeling of competence. The biggest benefit of the pointers in this webinar is that you will be able to execute with precision and close out every day knowing you have worked with a producer’s mindset. You’ll be able to leave work on time and enjoy your personal life.

Faculty - Ms.Karla Brandau

Karla Brandau is a leading authority on time management and Microsoft Outlook. For over twenty years she has taught her innovative productivity methods in top corporations such as Motorola, Coca-Cola Enterprises, Panasonic, and BYD America. Over 85% of the organizations who hire her, invite her back for repeat engagements.

She has written 101 Time Management Tips for Busy Professionals and produced visual “How To” guides for Microsoft Outlook 2010, 2013, and 2016.  She has a degree in education and is a Certified Speaking Professional, an earned designation given by the National Speakers Association.

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