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Money laundering continues to be a national concern. High levels of drug-related activity and violence have drawn additional attention In the form of the AML Act of 2022. The Act will up the power of Fincen and change their role in im[lamenting Customer Due Diligence. They have recently issued an important list of priority areas for enforcement.
Overall, perpetrators have adapted to banks’ efforts so banks cannot combat money laundering with yesterday’s methods. Software is widely installed to identify specific patterns and “unusual” transactions. But the launderers know this and are constantly striving to create new patterns where their transactions are designed not to be flagged. Like in a game of chess, the advantage goes to the side that thinks the most moves ahead.
AML Software is widely installed to identify specific patterns and “unusual” transactions. But the launderers know this and are constantly striving to create new patterns where their transactions are designed not to be flagged. Like in a game of chess, the advantage goes to the side that thinks the most moves ahead.
We will cover each of the basic areas of AML requirements per the Bank Secrecy Act and later regulations