Excel - A Beginner’s Guide to Effective Charts


60  Mins


Basic & Intermediate

Webinar ID


  • Selecting the appropriate visual
  • Creating a basic chart (bar, column, line, pie)
  • Changing the chart type and data source
  • Dynamic charts - automate adding new data to a chart
  • From Drab to Fab - convert a basic chart into an eye-catching visual
  • Fill the bars with images and shapes to create infographic-style charts

Overview of the webinar

"Every Picture Tells a Story" is a popular saying which is true not only in everyday life but in Excel too. Behind your set of numerical data is a story waiting to be told. The telling of this story needs to be to the point, easy to understand, and engaging.

Data visualization is the representation of numerical data in a visual format so that your audience can quickly and easily understand it and gain insight from it.

Until a few years ago it was enough to take a set of numbers and with a couple of mouse clicks, create a basic chart. But things have moved on and we're constantly hearing words like Data Visualization and Infographic. It's time to get your Excel-related business and communication skills up to date and learn how to use them to present data in the modern world.

This training covers how to visually represent your data using traditional charts (bar charts, line charts, etc.)

Who should attend?

This session is aimed at anyone who uses Excel at a basic level and wants to learn how to create charts. The training will be delivered using the latest version of Excel for Windows however all of the functionality is also available to users of earlier versions of Excel

Why should you attend?

  • Learn how to select the most appropriate chart to convey your message
  • Learn how to create a chart from a set of data and change its appearance
  • Learn how to create infographic-style charts
  • Learn how to integrate Excel charts with other applications such as Word and PowerPoint

Faculty - Mr.Mike Thomas

Mike Thomas has worked in the IT training business since 1989. He is a subject matter expert in a range of technologies including Microsoft Office and Apple Mac. In 2012 Mike founded theexceltrainer.co.uk where he has produced nearly 200 written and video-based Excel tutorials. He has recorded several Excel training courses for pluralsight.com and in his career delivered hundreds of courses and webinars on a wide variety of technology-related topics.
Mike is a Fellow of The Learning and Performance Institute and has worked with and for a large number of global and UK-based companies and organizations across a diverse range of sectors. In addition to training, he also designs and develops Microsoft Office-based solutions that automate key business tasks and processes.


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