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Validity : 17th Feb'25 to 27th Feb'25
If you listen to the hype around ChatGPT you may think it will steal your job or that it might destroy society. The reality is somewhere in the middle.
ChatGPT isn’t stealing your job, but it will change your job.
ChatGPT won’t destroy society, but it might damage your creativity if you rely on it too much.
This webinar will give you the ins and outs and dos and don’ts of ChatGPT.
Know how to use it to write performance reviews, job descriptions, and evaluate resumes.
Know how NOT to use to write performance reviews, job descriptions, and evaluate resumes.
This webinar will be full of examples on what you need to do to make the most of your AI experience without finding yourself in legal hot water.
In this training you’ll learn the basics of ChatGPT and the difference between what you can do and what you should do. It’s a powerful tool if know how to harness it.
Suzanne Lucas, better known as the Evil HR Lady, spent a decade in the realm of corporate HR before embarking on a new mission to enhance the world of work for all individuals. Throughout her tenure in Corporate HR, she hired, fired, trained, and provided HR coaching at all levels, ranging from freshly recruited 16-year-old grocery store cashiers to Senior Vice Presidents.
Suzanne had a wealth of experience in guiding people through complex legal scenarios and providing support and coaching to those who had lost their jobs, enabling them to strive toward success once again.